Auburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrates

Description :

 The Auburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Collection consists of a wide range of taxa from all over the world. Our geographic foci lie in the Southeast U.S., with the great biodiversity of crayfish in Alabama, and in Antarctica. We have had several donations from private collections which have increased the geographic scope of the collection, but most of our accessions have been through University research and affiliated persons. The invertebrate collection contains representatives of most non-molluscan phyla, with a concentration in crayfish, echinoderms, and annelids.

Link GBIF portal : 


 Non renseigné 




 Non renseigné 

Emprise géographique


Type Organisme Nom
Fournisseur Auburn University Museum of Natural History VARNERIN Brianne
Producteur Auburn University Museum of Natural History VARNERIN Brianne

Dates publication :

Premiere diffusion : 14/03/2023 
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/2023  

Liste des espèces répertoriées :

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Nom scientifique CD_NOM Règne Classe Ordre Famille Date première observation Date dernière observation Fiche

Chiffres clés :

 1 données 
 Non renseigné 
 Non renseigné 

Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

Répartition temporelle: