Richard Frey's worldwide Diptera collection. Ca. 10.000 species, including type material of some 700 taxa. Mostly material acquired by Frey, but some species have been added in the 1960s. A preliminary catalogue of species/taxa names is available for this collection. Data_quality: Largely identified by R. Frey himself. Most specimens have not been examined after Frey's death in the 1950s, thus the identifications are largely sensu circa 1920-1955. Link GBIF portal :
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Type | Organisme | Nom |
Producteur | KAHANPÄÄ Jere | |
Premiere diffusion : 14/03/2023
Dernière mise à jour : 14/03/2023
Nom scientifique | CD_NOM | Règne | Classe | Ordre | Famille | Date première observation | Date dernière observation | Fiche |
3 données
3 espèces
3 taxons