Killer whales of the Caribbean Sea 1866-2012

Description :

 Original provider:
CWOP (Caribbean-Wide Orca Project)

Dataset credits:

CWOP is an international cooperative initiative coordinated by Jaime Bolaños (Venezuela), Angiolina Henríquez (Aruba) and Jolanda Luksenburg (The Netherlands) that includes participation of marine mammalogists and researchers working on killer whales in the Caribbean Sea

The purpose of CWOP is centralize, analize and publish all available information on orcas sightings and records in the Caribbean Sea

Supplemental information:
This dataset includes various types of data (sightings from boats and aerial surveys, takes and strandings).

References cited in the dataset:
  • Álvarez-León R (2002) Capturas comerciales con palangre en la zona económica exclusiva frente a la Guajira, Caribe de Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical 50: 227–231.
  • Blanco-Domínguez M (2011) Ballenas y Delfines. In: Borroto-Páez R, Mancina CA (eds), Mamíferos en Cuba, UPC Print, Vasa, Finland.
  • Boisseau O, Leaper R. and Moscrop A. (2006) Observations of small cetaceans in the Eastern Caribbean. Paper SC/58/SM24 presented to the Scientific Committee, 58th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), St Kitts and Nevis.
  • Bolaños-Jiménez J, Fertl D & Iñíguez M (2009) A note on killer whale (Orcinus orca) occurrence in Venezuelan waters, 1982-2008. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 7: 75–79.
  • Caldwell DK & Caldwell MC (1969) Addition of the leatherback sea turtle to the known prey of the killer whale, Orcinus orca. Journal of Mammalogy 50: 636.
  • Caldwell DK & Caldwell MC (1975) Dolphin and small whale fisheries of the Caribbean and West Indies: Occurrence, History, and Catch Statistics — with Special Reference to the Lesser Antillean Island of St. Vincent. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32: 1105–1110.
  • Caldwell DK, Caldwell MC, Rathjen WF & Sullivan JR (1971) Cetaceans from the Lesser Antilles Island of St. Vincent. Fishery Bulletin 69: 303–312.
  • Cuní L (1910) Contribución al estudio de los mamíferos acuáticos observados en las costas de Cuba. Tesis de Doctorado. Universidad de La Habana. 89 pp.
  • Debrot AO (1998) New Cetacean Records for Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 34: 168–170.
  • Debrot AO De Meyer JA & Dezentjé PJE (1998) Additional records and a review of the cetacean fauna of the leeward Dutch Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 34: 204–210.
  • Erdman DS (1970) Marine mammals from Puerto Rico to Antigua. Journal of Mammalogy 51: 636–639.
  • Erdman DS (1970) Marine mammals from Puerto Rico to Antigua. Journal of Mammalogy 51: 636–639.
  • Fielding R (2010) Artisanal whaling in the Atlantic: a comparative study of culture, conflict, and conservation in St. Vincent and the Faroe islands. PhD thesis, Louisiana State University, Louisiana, USA.
  • Katona SK, Beard JA, Girton PE & Wenzel F (1988) Killer whales (Orcinus orca) from the Bay of Fundy to the equator, including the Gulf of Mexico. Rit Fiskideildar 11: 205–224.
  • Magileviciute E (2007) Whales and Dolphins in Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras: preliminary observations. Utila Centre for Marine Ecology, Utila, Honduras.
  • Mannocci L, Monestiez P, Bolaños-Jiménez J, Dorémus G, Jeremie S, Laran S, Rinaldi R, Van Canneyt O & Ridoux V (2013) Megavertebrate communities from two contrasting ecosystems in the western tropical Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems, 111-112: 208-222
  • Mignucci-Giannoni AA (1989) Zoogeography of marine mammals in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Master’s thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston.
  • Ottley T, Henry C, Khan A, Siung-Chang A & Sturm M (1988) Incidents involving whales in Trinidad waters during 1987. The Living World (The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalist’s Club), Trinidad and

Key words

 No information 




 No information 

Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur Sea Vida BOLANOS Jaime
Fournisseur Marine Turtle Research Group BLUMENTHAL Janice
Fournisseur Andrea Bogomolni BOGOMOLNI Andrea
Fournisseur Jose Julio Casas CASAS Jose Julio
Fournisseur Grisel Rodriguez Ferrer FERRER Grisel Rodriguez
Fournisseur Angiolina Henriquez HENRIQUEZ Angiolina
Fournisseur Miguel Iniguez INIGUEZ Miguel
Fournisseur Jalaludin Khan KHAN Jalaludin
Fournisseur Nelma Landrau LANDRAU Nelma
Fournisseur Jolanda Luksenburg LUKSENBURG Jolanda
Fournisseur Antonio Mignucci-Giannoni MIGNUCCI-GIANNONI Antonio
Fournisseur Caroline Rinaldi RINALDI Caroline
Fournisseur Lesley Sutty SUTTY Lesley
Fournisseur Nathalie Ward WARD Nathalie
Fournisseur Marine Turtle Research Group BLUMENTHAL Janice
Fournisseur Andrea Bogomolni BOGOMOLNI Andrea
Fournisseur Jose Julio Casas CASAS Jose Julio
Fournisseur Grisel Rodriguez Ferrer FERRER Grisel Rodriguez
Fournisseur Angiolina Henriquez HENRIQUEZ Angiolina
Fournisseur Miguel Iniguez INIGUEZ Miguel
Fournisseur Jalaludin Khan KHAN Jalaludin
Fournisseur Nelma Landrau LANDRAU Nelma
Fournisseur Jolanda Luksenburg LUKSENBURG Jolanda
Fournisseur Antonio Mignucci-Giannoni MIGNUCCI-GIANNONI Antonio
Fournisseur Caroline Rinaldi RINALDI Caroline
Fournisseur Lesley Sutty SUTTY Lesley
Fournisseur Nathalie Ward WARD Nathalie
Producteur Sea Vida BOLANOS Jaime

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 14/03/2023 
Last update : 14/03/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 22 données 
 1 espèces 
 1 taxons 

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Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

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