Marine Fauna Observer data collected on board seismic survey vessels operating around Suriname as part of an EU-funded Marine Spatial Planning project

Description :

 Original provider:
Green Heritage Fund of Suriname

Dataset credits:
Monique Pool, Green Heritage Fund of Suriname

The Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) project in Suriname was initiated in 2017. Part of this EU-funded project focussed on collecting all the information regarding marine megafauna within the region (Suriname and Guyana). As part of the MSP project we approached potential marine mammal data holders. In particular, oil and gas companies hold data collected by so-called Marine Fauna Observers (MFOs) during geophysical seismic surveys offshore. MFO's typically carry out dedicated watches from seismic surveys during times when the seismic source is active and non-active. As such they carry out systematic effort but without a detailed GPS-track. For the MSP-project we have used records which were classed as 'Definite' or 'Probable'. Where 'Definite' records were accompanied by photo; and 'Probable' records had a good description and were coming from a trusted source. Other records with an unsure identification (for example 'possible green turtle'), were upgraded to ‘Probable’ records of species-groups, e.g. 'hard-shelled turtle', 'ray species', 'shark species', 'dolphin sp'. All other records were discarded.

The project aims to significantly enhance the governance and protection of marine and coastal resources of Guyana and Suriname through collaborative processes with all ocean takeholders, improved knowledge of the coastal and marine environment, enhanced capacity of key stakeholders and informed marine spatial management. Upon completion of the marine Spatial planning project, we aim to continue to add new marine megafauna records to OBIS SEAMAP.

Supplemental information:
Accuracy of time varies record by record. '00:00' indicates the time is not available.

Link GBIF portal :

Project :
Title : Marine Fauna Observer data collected on board seismic survey vessels operating around Suriname as part of an EU-funded Marine Spatial Planning project
Abstract : 
Funding : NA
Contact :   () 

Key words

 No information 




 No information 

Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur Green Heritage Fund of Suriname POOL Monique
Fournisseur Wageningen Marine Research, University of Wageningen DE BOER Marijke
Fournisseur Wageningen Marine Research, University of Wageningen DE BOER Marijke
Producteur Green Heritage Fund of Suriname POOL Monique

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 14/03/2023 
Last update : 14/03/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 1 données 
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