Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Plant Protection

Description :

 In 1922 the Phytopathological Experimental Station at the Tartu University was established by the professor of botany Feodor Bucholtz (1872-1924) and later taken over by Professor Elmar Leppik (Lepik). The mycological collection was necessary for determination of local plant diseases and it started with a purchase of ca 2500 specimens of microfungi collected by A. Bäumler mainly in Slovakia. Later the collection was supplemented with local material and by acquisitions and donations from several European countries, with exsiccates and specimens for comparison. The most notable European mycologists represented in the collection are E. Kari, A. Kirulis, K. Linkola, F. Petrak, J Smarods, K. Stares and others. The collection also includes the herbarium of F. Bucholtz (almost 5,000 specimens) and the fungi collected by E. Lep(p)ik largely from Estonia in 1922 – 1944. In the last half-century Anne-Liis Sõmermaa and others have added fungi gathered from Estonia. Exciccates from elsewhere account for about half of about 23,000 collection specimens. Comprehensive historical review of the collection was compiled by E. Parmasto (2011).

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Emprise géographique

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Type Organisme Nom
Fournisseur PÄRTEL Kadri
Producteur PÄRTEL Kadri

Dates publication :

Premiere diffusion : 14/03/2023 
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/2023  

Liste des espèces répertoriées :

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Chiffres clés :

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Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

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Répartition temporelle:

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