Acoustic detections of sperm whales from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001

Description :

 Original provider:
Claudio Fossati, University of Pavia

Dataset credits:
Claudio Fossati and Giulia Romè, CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia

CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, Univ. of Pavia, organizes research cruises in the Med sea since 1994. Visual and acoustic contacts (1994 - 2001) are available on OBIS-SEAMAP, while acoustic recordings are stored in our Sound library and available upon request.

Data were collected during cetacean research campaigns, acoustic software and hardware development campaigns.

Supplemental information:
This is a subset of sperm whale detections from an acoustic detection dataset "Acoustic detections from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001". Sperm whale detection records have an estimated group size while others do not.

Effort tracklines are registered with "Acoustic detections from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001".

Data from visual contacts are registered in a separate dataset "Visual contacts from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001".

Link GBIF portal :

Project :
Title : Acoustic detections of sperm whales from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001
Abstract : 
Funding : NA
Contact :   () 

Key words

 No information 




 No information 

Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia FOSSATI Claudio
Fournisseur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia PAVAN Gianni
Fournisseur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia ROMÈ Giulia
Fournisseur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia PAVAN Gianni
Fournisseur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia ROMÈ Giulia
Fournisseur The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) and Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) ACCOBAMS AND WDCS
Producteur CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics, University of Pavia FOSSATI Claudio

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 14/03/2023 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 8 données 
 1 espèces 
 1 taxons 

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