Description :
This first checklist of Tipuloidea of Martinique in largely based on specimens collected during an expedition in the Réserve Biologique Intégrale (RBI) des Pitons du Carbet in January-February 2018, where crane flies appeared to be by far the most abundant Diptera in the pan traps employed. This survey revealed the presence of 26 species of Limoniidae, including one new species in each of the genera Teucholabis Osten Sacken, 1860, Atypophthalmus Brunetti, 1911 and Rhipidia Meigen, 1818. Female specimens of seven other species have not yet been identified to the species level. This inventory, “Dolichopodid survey of Martinique (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)”, consisted of two consecutive parts: (i) a two weeks inventory of the RBI Pitons du Carbet (19/1-4/2/2018) and (ii) a one week survey of mainly coastal sites in the south of the island (5-13/2/2018). Pollet et al. (2018) provide a detailed description of the sampling methods and areas visited. Seven of the eight locations within the RBI des Pitons du Carbet selected for sampling, and pan traps were installed during 22-27 January (both sites at Gros-Morne are considered one location). An 8th location (Plateau Boucher) adjacent to the RBI was added on 2 February. In all but one location, one principal and two supplementary sites were in place for pan trapping. In the principal sites, 10 units of one blue, yellow and white trap were in operation (i.e., a total of 30 traps), whereas only 10 yellow pan traps were employed in supplementary sites. All traps in the RBI were operational at soil surface level and fixed with metal pins; formalin solution (5%) with detergent was used as fixative. At each site, sampling lasted for one full week. A total of 389 pan traps were used in and near the RBI des Pitons du Carbet, and another 72 beyond that area.
In addition, the set of samples gathered by Eddy Dumbardon-Martial in the RBI des Pitons du Carbet during a preceding survey (“Etude de la faune entomologique et d’autres invertébrés de la RBI des Pitons du Carbet (Martinique”) in 2016-2017 was also examined, resulting in the discovery of Zelandotipula gelhausi sp. nov. (Tipulidae).
Pollet, M., Dumbardon-Martial, E. Maréchal, P. (2018) Dolichopodid survey of Martinique (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Fly Times 60: 4-12.
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Project :
Title : Dolichopodid survey of Martinique (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
Abstract : See Description Basic Metadata
Funding : DEAL Martinique, ONF Martinique, Collectivité territoriale de Martinique and Parc naturel de Martinique funded the program “Etude de la faune entomologique et d’autres invertébrés de la RBI des Pitons du Carbet (Martinique)”. This expedition was organized during 2014-2018 by Dr Patrick Maréchal of the Institut Carabéen pour la Nature et la Culture (ICNC, Martinique).
Marc Pollet was financially supported by the ICNC and the Leopold III Fund (Brussels, Belgium) during his “Dipterological survey of Mar-tinique (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)” during January 2018
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