Abundances and biological traits of fish sampled by electrofishing (except specific abundance indices) on the River Oir since 1988 (France).

Description :

 Since 1988, an annual campaign is conducted to quantify by electrofishing the abundance of fishes in the Oir basin. Originally, the main target species were salmon and trout. Beginning in 2000, eels were monitored in the same way as salmonids. The survey of the entire fish community has been carried out on a network of seven sites. It is usually done in September and October. Two sites are also monitored in May for all species. The data consists of 1738 electrofishing operations and 153068 fish records. Biological traits measured on the fish sampled are sex, maturity status, length, weight and age. Some of the salmon, trout and eels are identified individually with a pit tag. Scale sampling is carried out on a subsample of individuals to estimate the age of the fish. The survey is carried out under the Research Observatory on Diadromous Fish in Coastal Streams (ERO DiaPFC) program. The data are stored in the database of the ERO. They are used to develop predictive models and tools for providing scientific advice to improve the management of these heritage species

Link GBIF portal : https://www.gbif.org/dataset/6242ca69-c65e-4723-b629-9aeb05b51c88

Project :
Title : Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement des poissons diadromes sur les Fleuves Côtiers - Ecological Research Observatory on Diadromous Fish in coastal streams
Abstract : The Research Observatory on Diadromous Fish in Coastal Streams (ORE DiaPFC) is a research infrastructure steered by INRAE in partnership with OFB and part of the OFB-INRAE R&D center. It’s focused on the study of the evolution of diadromous fish populations under the influence human induced environmental changes that affect these rivers (mainly climate and effects of agriculture). Diadromous species of primary interest are salmon (Salmo salar), trout (Salmo trutta), eel (Anguilla Anguilla), shads (Alosa sp.), and lampreys (Lampetra sp. and Petromyzon marinus). These species are threatened by the consequences of human activities. They are flagship species for the biodiversity of coastal streams. Nowadays, these streams are the main refuges for diadromous fish that have disappeared or dramatically declined on larger rivers.
This ERO DiaPFC is a Research Infrastructure based on four coastal streams of the Atlantic and Channel coast of France: the Bresle and the Oir in Normandy, the Scorff in Brittany and the Nivelle in the Pays Basque. These four rivers are equipped with diadromous fish trapping facilities and are thoroughly and continuously surveyed from the mid 1980s. They are twinned with experimental ecology facilities located in Rennes (Brittany) and Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle (Pays Basque). This set of facilities is complemented by individual-based eco-genetic simulators for in silico experimentation on virtual populations.
Funding : - INRAE : French National Institute for Agricultural Research
- OFB : French Office for Biodiversity
Contact : Prévost Etienne (POINT_OF_CONTACT) 

Key words

 No information 




 No information 

Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement MARCHAND Frédéric
Fournisseur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement AZAM Didier
Fournisseur OFB DRAS, INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement DELANOË Richard
Fournisseur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement DESTOUCHES Jean-Pierre
Fournisseur INRA-U3E TREMBLAY Julien
Fournisseur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement BAGLINIÈRE Jean-Luc
Fournisseur INRAE ESE, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement NEVOUX Marie
Fournisseur INRAE ECOBIOP, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement PRÉVOST Etienne
Fournisseur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement AZAM Didier
Producteur INRAE U3E, Pôle OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement MARCHAND Frédéric

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 22/04/2023 
Last update : 22/04/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 164886 données 
 23 espèces 
 23 taxons 

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