83.111 - Oliveraies traditionnelles

Traditional olive groves

Classification des habitats CORINE biotopes

Descriptif officiel

Ancient olive groves, often made of very old trees shading herbaceous layer, extensively treated. Greek olive groves are an important habitat of the very restricted sylviid Hippolais olivetorum, as well as of many orchids.

Description en français

Bosquets anciens à Oliviers, souvent faits de très vieux arbres cachant la strate herbacée, extensivement traités.


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J., Ledant J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. (Source)