44.811 - Galeries de Laurier-rose

Oleander galleries

Classification des habitats CORINE biotopes

Descriptif officiel

Nerium oleander cordons and screens, often with Tamarix spp., Vitex agnus-castus, Dittrichia viscosa, Saccharum ravennae, Arundo donax, Rubus ulmifolius, most typical of temporary water courses, but also lining small and sometimes large rivers, marking springs and areas of high water table in southern and eastern Iberia, very locally in eastern Provence, Liguria and Corsica (Saint-Florent), in southern Italy, Sardinia and Sicily, in southern and western Greece, the Aegean and Ionian archipelagoes, and Crete. They are particularly abundant in the south and east of Iberia, in Sicily and in the Aegean region.

Description en français

Cordons, rideaux et galeries de Nerium oleander, souvent avec Tamarix spp., Vitex agnus-castus, Dittrichia viscosa, Erianthus ravennae, Arundo donax, Rubus ulmifolius, plutôt typiques des cours d'eaux temporaires, mais aussi longeant les petites et quelquefois grandes rivières, et marquant les sources et les zones à nappe phréatique élevée, très localement en provence orientale et en Corse (Saint Florent),...

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Nerion oleandri p.


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J., Ledant J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. (Source)

Rechinger, 1951 ; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971 ; Lavagne and Moutte, 1971 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Pignatti, 1982 ; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982 ; Sfikas, 1984 ; Izco et al., 1984 ; Fenaroli, 1984 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985 ; Veri and Pacioni, 1985 ; Chiappini, 1985a, b ; Costa, 1987 ; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987 ; Ferioli, 1989.