36.431 - Blue moorgrass-evergreen sedge swards

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Xero-thermophile stepped or garland, species-rich grasslands of the alpine and subalpine levels of the northern and southeastern Alps, and locally, of the Jura, on slopes with shallow soil and snowcover of short duration, with Sesleria albicans, Carex sempervirens, Carex humilis, Gentiana favratii, Helianthemum alpestre, Helianthemum nummularium ssp. grandiflorum, Phyteuma orbiculare, Leontopodium alpinum, Pedicularis rostratocapitata, Pedicularis verticillata, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris, Ranunculus thora.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Seslerion albicantis p.


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet & al., 1964b; Berset, 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Delvosalle, 1977; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, 1990; Favarger and Robert, 1995a: 133-139.