- Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae (Br.-Bl. ex Theurillat in Theurillat, Aeschimann, P. Küpfer & Spichiger 1995) Géhu all. prov. et stat. prov.

Prodrome des végétations de France (PVF1)



Type of synonymy Entire name of synonymy Note Sources CD_HAB
Nom correspondant Corylo-Populenion tremulae Br.-Bl. ex Theurillat in Theurillat, Aeschimann, P.Küpfer & Spichiger 1995 Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25060
Synonyme nomenclatural Corylo-Populion Br.-Bl. 1961 nom. nud. (art. 2b, 8) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25058
Synonyme nomenclatural Lonicero nigrae-Corylion avellanae (Br.-Bl. 1961) de Foucault & Julve in Julve 1993 nom. inval. (art. 2d, 3b) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25059