- Convolvulion sepium Tüxen in Oberdorfer 1957

Prodrome des végétations de France (PVF1)



Type of synonymy Entire name of synonymy Note Sources CD_HAB
Nom correct Convolvulion sepium Tüxen in Oberdorfer 1957 Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25196
Synonyme nomenclatural Calystegion sepium Tüxen 1947 nom. nud. (art. 2b, 8) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25197
Synonyme nomenclatural Cynancho-Convolvulion Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martínez 1963 nom. inval. (art. 2d, 3b) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25199
Synonyme nomenclatural Senecionion fluviatilis Tüxen 1950 nom. nud. (art. 2b, 8) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25198