44.1411 - Central Iberian Salix neotricha galleries

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Arborescent willow galleries dominated by Salix neotricha accompanied by Salix alba, Salix fragilis, Populus nigra and sometimes Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Frangula alnus, Sambucus nigra, Ulmus spp., forming as the ligneous vegetation closest to the water along the middle and lower course of large rivers of little seasonal amplitude in the meso- and supra-Mediterranean foothills of the Cantabrian Cordillera, the Iberian Range and neighbouring regions.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Populo nigrae-Salicetum neotrichae


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Lopez, 1976; Yon and Tendron, 1981: 46; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.