3 - Fruticées, prairies et pelouses

Scrub and grassland

Typologie des habitats de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon

Descriptif anglais

Shrub-, grass- or forb-dominated communities constituting either zonal climax communities under nondesert climates unsuitable for forest, or zoogenic or anthropogenic, regressive or progressive, transitional stages in forest successions on well-drained, seasonally inundatable or poorly drained but nonmarshy soils. Included are deciduous, ericaceous, sclerophyllous or lauriphyllous shrub communities of boreal, temperate, mediterranean, tropical and high mountain climates, steppes, alpine and other orogenous grasslands, secondary dry, mesophile or humid grasslands and forblands of boreal, temperate, mediterranean and tropical climates, shrub and grass communities of permafrost.