16.211212 - Northern Mediterranean sand couch dunes

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Elymus farctus embryonic dunes of Tyrrhenian, Adriatic and Ionian coasts of Europe, from northeastern Iberia to the western Peloponnese, including the east coast of Corsica, and with outposts in northern Algeria, with Echinophora spinosa and Anthemis maritima.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Sporobolo-Elymenion farcti (Agropyrion juncei): Echinophoro-Elymetum farcti (Agropyretum mediterraneum p.)


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Demiri, 1962: 78-79; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat & al., 1974: 107-108, 149-150; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Géhu & al., 1984b: 409-412; Géhu, 1985: 19, 25, 40, 56-60; Géhu, 1986; Gamisans, 1991: 89-90; Julve, 1993: 40; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1993b: 186; Pignatti, 1993: 380-385; Paradis and Piazza, 1996: 75, 87; Ilijanic, 1996: 110; Hoda & al., 1998: 4; Lanfranco, 1999b; Schembri, 1999b.