1230 - Falaises avec végétation des côtes atlantiques et baltiques

Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic Coasts

Liste hiérarchisée et descriptifs des Habitats d'Intérêt Communautaire (HIC) de la directive "Habitats-Faune-Flore"

Définition EUR 28

Vegetated cliffs exhibit a complex pattern of variation reflecting the degree of maritime exposure, geology and geomorphology, biogeographical provenance and pattern of human management. Typically, on the most exposed cliffs there is a zonation from crevice and ledge communities of the steepest slopes beside the sea (Crithmo-Armerietalia, Géhu 1964) through to closed maritime grasslands on upper cliff slopes, cliff tops and cliff ledges where there is deeper accumulation of soils (Silenion maritimae, Malloch 1973). Further inland and on more sheltered cliffs, these grade into a complex assemblage of maritime and paramaritime types of heath, calcareous grassland, acid grassland, therophyte, tall herb, scrub and wind-pruned woodland vegetation, each enriched by floristic elements characteristic of coastal habitats. On soft coasts with much active movement, complex assemblages of maritime and non-maritime vegetation occur.

Espèces caractéristiques

Plants: Crithmum maritimum, Armeria maritima, Limonium spp., Brassica oleracea, Silene maritima, Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa, Daucus spp., Matricaria maritima, Asplenium marinum, Spergularia rupicola, Inula crithmoides, Sedum anglicum, Rhodiola rosea, Lavatera arborea, Scilla verna.

Correspondances avec la classification du Paléarctique


Correspondances avec d'autres classifications

United Kingdom Classification: ‘ MC1 Crithmum maritimum-Spergularia rupicola maritime rock crevice', ‘MC2 Armeria maritima-Ligusticum scoticum maritime rock crevice community', ‘MC3 Rhodiola rosea-Armeria maritima maritime cliff ledge community', ‘MC4 Brassica oleracea maritime cliff ledge', ‘MC5 Armeria maritima-Cerastium diffusum maritime therophyte community', ‘MC6 Atriplex hastata-Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima seabird cliff community', ‘MC7 Stellaria media-Rumex acetosa seabird cliff community', ‘MC8 Festuca rubra-Armeria maritima maritime grassland', ‘MC9 Festuca rubra-Holcus lanatus maritime grassland', ‘MC10 Festuca rubra-Plantago spp. maritime grassland', ‘M11 Festuca rubra- Daucus carota ssp. gummifer maritime grassland', ‘M12 Festuca rubra-Hyacinthoides non- scripta maritime grassland', ‘H6 Erica vagans-Ulex europaeus heath', ‘H7 Calluna vulgaris- Scilla verna heath', ‘H8 Calluna vulgaris-Ulex gallii heath'.
Nordic classification : ‘4111 Matricaria maritima-Silene uniflora-typ'.


 Conseil de l'Union européenne, 2013. Directive 2013/17/UE du Conseil du 13 mai 2013 portant adaptation de certaines directives dans le domaine de l'environnement, du fait de l'adhésion de la République de Croatie. Annexes. Partie B Protection de la nature. Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, L 158 du 10/06/2013, p. : 195-203. (Source)

 European Commission, 2013. Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. EUR 28. European Commission, DG Environment, 144 p. (Source)

Englund, B. (1942). Die Pflanzenverteilung auf den Meeresufern von Gotland. Acta Bot. Fenn. 32:1-282.