I.A.1.N.f.1 - Pterocarpus officinalis Forest Alliance

Végétation des Caraïbes : système de classification préliminaire et descriptions

Description des postes typologiques

Freshwater swamps associated with rivers, dominated by Pterocarpus officinalis.

Distribution des postes typologiques

Puerto Rico, Martinique.


This forest can be also found in a permanently/semi-permanently flooded condition. Manilkara bidentata and Calophyllum calaba are often associated with Pterocarpus officinalis in non riparian basins, in Puerto Rico.


Pterocarpus Swamp -- 39.1 (Dansereau 1966); Pterocarpus Swamp Woodland (Kimber 1988); "mangle medaille".


 Areces-Mallea A.E., Weakley A.S., Li X., Sayre R.G., Parrish J.D., Tipton C.V. & Boucher T. 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types: Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p. (Source)