I.C.1.N.a.5.1 - Tabebuia pallida - Coccoloba swartzii - Bucida buceras - Bursera simaruba / Guettarda scabra - Zanthoxylum martinicense Forest

Végétation des Caraïbes : système de classification préliminaire et descriptions

Description des postes typologiques

Semi-deciduous forest of the s. coast of Martinique, restricted to small areas on gently sloping land over vertisols high in montmorillonitic clays. The average annual temperature is 26 degrees C, the average annual rainfall 1300-1700mm, with a dry season of 1-2 months with less than 50mm of precipitation. Common canopy species include the deciduous trees, Tabebuia pallida and Bursera simaruba, and evergreens Coccoloba swartzii, Bucida buceras, Inga laurina, Simarouba amara, Pimenta racemosa, Citharexylum fruticosum, and Lonchocarpus benthamianus. The evergreen understory typically has Guettarda scabra, Picramnia pentandra, Zanthoxylum martinicense, and Myrcia citrifolia. Shrubs include Randia aculeata, Zanthoxylum spinifex, Croton bixoides, Croton hircinus, Ardisia obovata, and Coccoloba pubescens. Herbs include Sporobolus indicus, Chloris barbata, Scleria lithosperma, Dichromena nervosa, and Kalanchoe pinnata.

Distribution des postes typologiques



Based on Kimber (1988).


Semideciduous Forest (Kimber 1988).


 Areces-Mallea A.E., Weakley A.S., Li X., Sayre R.G., Parrish J.D., Tipton C.V. & Boucher T. 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types: Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p. (Source)