9410 - Forêts acidophiles à Picea des étages montagnard à alpin (Vaccinio-Piceetea)

Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea)

Liste hiérarchisée et descriptifs des Habitats d'Intérêt Communautaire (HIC) de la directive "Habitats-Faune-Flore"

Définition EUR 28

Sub-alpine and alpine conifer forests (dominated by Picea abies and Picea orientalis).
42.21 - Alpine and Carpathian sub-alpine spruce forests. Piceetum subalpinum.
Picea abies forests of the lower sub-alpine level, and of anomalous stations in the montane level, of the outer, intermediate and inner Alps; in the latter, they are often in continuity with the montane spruce forests of 42.22. The spruces are often stunted or columnar; they are accompanied by an undergrowth of decidedly sub-alpine affinities. Picea abies forests of the lower sub-alpine level of the Carpathians.
42.22 - Inner range montane spruce forests. Piceetum montanum.
Picea abies forests of the montane level of the inner Alps, characteristic of regions climatically unfavourable to both beech and fir. Analogous Picea abies forests of the montane and collinar levels of the inner basin of the Slovakian Carpathians subjected to a climate of high continentality.
42.23 - Hercynian sub-alpine spruce forests
Sub-alpine Picea abies forests of high Hercynian ranges [21].
42.24 Southern European Norway spruce forests
Outlying Picea abies formations of the Apennines, the southern Dinarides, the Balkan Range and the Rhodopides, at the southern limit of the range of the species and mostly south of its continuous range.
42.25 - Peri-Alpine spruce forests
Spontaneous Picea abies formations occupying outlying altitudinal or edaphic enclaves within the range of more predominant vegetation types of the montane levels of the outer Alps, the Carpathians, the Dinarides, the Jura, the Hercynian ranges, the subalpine levels of the Jura, the western Hercynian ranges and the Dinarides

Espèces caractéristiques

Plants: Picea abies, Vaccinium spp.

Correspondances avec la classification du Paléarctique

42.21 to 42.25


[21] Bayerischer Wald, Harz (above 750 m) and Erzgebirge.


 Conseil de l'Union européenne, 2013. Directive 2013/17/UE du Conseil du 13 mai 2013 portant adaptation de certaines directives dans le domaine de l'environnement, du fait de l'adhésion de la République de Croatie. Annexes. Partie B Protection de la nature. Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, L 158 du 10/06/2013, p. : 195-203. (Source)

 European Commission, 2013. Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. EUR 28. European Commission, DG Environment, 144 p. (Source)