9430 - Forêts montagnardes et subalpines à Pinus uncinata (* si sur substrat gypseux ou calcaire)

Subalpine and montane Pinus uncinata forests (* if on gypsum or limestone)

Liste hiérarchisée et descriptifs des Habitats d'Intérêt Communautaire (HIC) de la directive "Habitats-Faune-Flore"

Définition EUR 28

Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) forests, usually open and with a very developed shrubby understory, of the subalpine and montane levels; on limestone, gypsum or siliceous substrate in a cool or thermophile situation depending on the region. Sometimes mixed with Pinus sylvestris, more rarely with Larix-Pinus cembra.
Two major types: 42.41 - mountain pine forests of the western outer Alps, the Jura and Pyrenean ubacs, developed on siliceous or decalcified soils of the subalpine level with a predominately ericaceous undergrowth comprising Rhododendron ferrugineum (Rhododendro-Vaccinion p.); 42.42 - xerocline mountain pine forests of the inner Alps, of the western outer Alps and the Jura, and of Pyrenean adrets, accompanied by a shrubby undergrowth in which Rhododendron ferrugineum is absent or rare (Junipero-Pinion p., Erico-Pinion p.)

Espèces caractéristiques

Plants: Arctostaphylos alpina, A. uva-ursi, Astrantia minor, Calluna vulgaris, Coronilla vaginalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Crepis alpestris, Daphne striata, Deschampsia flexuosa, Dryas octopetala, Erica herbacea, Homogyna alpina, Huperzia selago, Juniperus hemisphaerica, J. nana, Lycopodium annotinum, Pinus uncinata, Polygala chamaebuxus, Rhamnus saxatilis, Rhododendron ferrugineum, Rhododendron hirsutum, Thesium rostratum, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum.

Correspondances avec la classification du Paléarctique



In association with bog woodland (44.A), Pinus mugo scrub (31.5) and sometimes pioneer phases of fir or spruce in disturbed zones.


 Conseil de l'Union européenne, 2013. Directive 2013/17/UE du Conseil du 13 mai 2013 portant adaptation de certaines directives dans le domaine de l'environnement, du fait de l'adhésion de la République de Croatie. Annexes. Partie B Protection de la nature. Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, L 158 du 10/06/2013, p. : 195-203. (Source)

 European Commission, 2013. Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. EUR 28. European Commission, DG Environment, 144 p. (Source)