5210 - Matorrals arborescents à Juniperus spp.

Arborescent matorral with Juniperus spp.

Liste hiérarchisée et descriptifs des Habitats d'Intérêt Communautaire (HIC) de la directive "Habitats-Faune-Flore"

Définition EUR 28

Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous scrub organized around arborescent junipers. Mixed dominance can be indicated by combination of codes.
32.131 - Juniperus oxycedrus arborescent matorral
Arborescent matorral dominated by Juniperus oxycedrus s.l.
32.132 - Juniperus phoenicea arborescent matorral
Arborescent matorral dominated by Juniperus phoenicea s.l..
32.133 - Juniperus excelsa and J. foetidissima arborescent matorrals
Arborescent matorrals of Greece, Anatolia and the Near East, dominated by Juniperus excels or J. foetidissima.
32.134 - Juniperus communis arborescent matorral
Mediterranean formations dominated by Juniperus communis.
32.135 - Juniperus drupacea arborescent matorral
Formations derived from 42.A5 [16], limited to the Peloponnese and Asia Minor.
32.136 - Juniperus thurifera arborescent matorral
Formations derived from 42.A2 [17].

Espèces caractéristiques

Plants: Juniperus oxycedrus, J. phoenicea, J. foetidissima, J. excelsa, J. communis, J. drupacea, J. thurifera.

Correspondances avec la classification du Paléarctique

32.131 to 32.136


[16] 42.A5 - Syrian juniper woods : Juniperus drupacea woods of the northern slopes of Mount Parnon and of the Karlik mountain in Thrace, Greece. Part of the formation takes the appearance of an arborescent matorral, listed under 32.135.
[17] 42.A2 - Spanish juniper woods (Juniperion thuriferae) : Forest formations dominated by Juniperus thuriferae of Spain, southern France and Corsica and North Africa. Many communities may be better described as arborescent matorrals, and listed under 32.136; geographical divisions can nevertheless be retained by appending the suffixes of 42.A2 to 32.136.


 Conseil de l'Union européenne, 2013. Directive 2013/17/UE du Conseil du 13 mai 2013 portant adaptation de certaines directives dans le domaine de l'environnement, du fait de l'adhésion de la République de Croatie. Annexes. Partie B Protection de la nature. Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, L 158 du 10/06/2013, p. : 195-203. (Source)

 European Commission, 2013. Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. EUR 28. European Commission, DG Environment, 144 p. (Source)