SAB-02 - Juniperetalia hemisphaericae Rivas-Mart. et J.A. Molina in Rivas-Mart. et al. 1999

Classification phytosociologique européenne (Eurovegchecklist, 2016)


Relict submediterranean and supra-mediterranean dry scrub of Western Mediterranean


sab06 : This syntaxonomic concept could be considered as a class in its own right as based on the same principle as much as the Rhamno-Prunetea should be considered different from the Carpino-Fagetea and the Cetrario-Loiseleurietea from the Vaccinio-Piceetea. (LM).


 Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus Th., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., Gavilán García R., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F.J.A., Bergmeier E., Santos Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J.H.J., Lysenko T., Didukh Y.P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J.S., Capelo J., Weber H.E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S.M. & Tichý L., 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 19 (Suppl. 1) : 3-264. (Source)