AST-01A - Asterionellion formosae Möller et Pankow 1981

Classification phytosociologique européenne (Eurovegchecklist, 2016)


Planktic diatom and other microalgal communities in eutrophic freshwater or brackish lowland waters


ast02 : The name Asterionellion was validly published in Möller & Pankow (1981: 321). Although no type was indicated, there is only one validly published association in the original diagnosis of the alliance. The original diagnosis of the alliance contains two associations, such as the ’Fragilario crotonensis-Asterionelletum formosae (Messikommer 1927) Möller 1977’ and the ‘Melosiretum variantis Budde 1930’. The former name corresponds to an illegitimate correction of the validly published name ‘Fragilario crotonensis-Asterionelletum gracillimae Messikommer 1927’ (Messikommer 1927: 26-27; Möller & Pankow 1981: 304) to which the authors provided an unambiguous bibliographical reference. The name 'Melosiretum variantis Budde 1930' was invalidly published in Budde (1930) (ICPN art. 2b). The three names (Melosiretum variantis rivulare Symoens 1951, Melosiretum variantis fluviatile Symoens 1951 and Diatometo vulgaris-Melosiretum variantis Symoens 1954 (original form)) included in the synonymy of the Melosiretum variantis were also invalidly published (art. 2b). Although Möller & Pankow (1981) did provide a table of relevés to document the association, they failed to designate the type. Therefore, the name Melosiretum variantis remained invalidly published. Consequently, there is only one sufficient element left in the original diagnosis of the alliance and the name Asterionellion formosae Möller et Pankow 1981 is validly published, with only Asterionella formosa being present in the relevés of Messikommer (1927). As Möller & Pankow (1981) retain the name Asterionella formosa, the name of the new alliance can be completed with the epithet 'formosae' (ICPN Rec. 10C), although Messikommer (1927) used the synonym A. gracillima. (HB, JPT).


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