A1.23 - Biocénoses de la roche médiolittorale inférieure exposée à l'action des vagues de Méditerranée et de la mer Noire

Mediterranean communities of lower mediolittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2012

Descriptif officiel

These communities are located in the lower horizon of the mediolittoral rock and result from the concomitance of three components: moderate waves, variations in atmospheric pressure and wind and tide, if present. The dominant aspect, however, is the constant humidity of the substratum.

Descriptif en français

Cette biocénose se situe au niveau de l’horizon inférieur de la roche médiolittorale et résulte de la conjonction de trois facteurs : présence de vagues, variations de la pression atmosphérique, des vents et des marées. Le facteur dominant est l’humectation constante du substrat.


There is a certain degree of duplication among some habitat classes in the EUNIS system coming either from BioMar or the Barcelona or HELCOM classifications. Therefore this means that this level 4 definition (presently based on Barcelona) should be checked, and given a new name or merged with an existing unit if necessary. Biogeographic details should be addressed in level 5 habitats.
Zonal basis of habitats in Barcelona units is different from that of BioMar (life-type). May be duplication at level 5 which needs to be examined before revisiting level 4 (David Connor)

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ICRAM, 2005. Mediterranean marine habitat descriptions. ICRAM - Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca Applicata al Mare. (Source)