S4-21 - Landes submontagnardes à Vaccinium et Calluna

Submontane Vaccinium - Calluna heaths

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Submontane, or sometimes lowland or coastal, heaths rich in Vaccinium spp., usually with Calluna vulgaris, Nardus stricta, Luzula campestris and Genista spp., of the northern and western British Isles, of the North Atlantic islands, of Fennoscandia, of the Hercynian ranges and the lower levels of the Alps, the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica. Secondary stands originating after deforestation of pine and oak acidophilous forests also belong to this unit.


 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2021. EUNIS terrestrial habitat classification 2021 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel transmise par S. Hennekens (Alterra) le 14/02/2022. (Source)