MB1-215 - Laminaria hyperborea avec algues rouges foliacées denses sur roche exposée de l'infralittoral en Atlantique

Laminaria hyperborea with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Very exposed to exposed infralittoral bedrock or large boulders characterised by the kelp Laminaria hyperborea, beneath which is a dense turf of foliose red seaweeds. Three variations of this biotope are described: the upper infralittoral kelp forest (unit MB1-2151), the kelp park below (unit MB1-2152) and a third type of kelp forest, confined to southern England, that is characterised by a mixture of L. hyperborea and Laminaria ochroleuca (unit MB1-2153). The fauna of these biotopes is markedly less abundant than kelp forests in areas of greater wave surge (unit MB1-213); sponges, anthozoans and polyclinid ascidians may be present, though never at high abundance. Beneath the under-storey of red seaweeds, the rock surface is generally covered with encrusting coralline algae.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)