MB1-23 - Communautés de laminaires et d'algues sur roche affectée ou perturbée par les sédiments de l'infralittoral en Atlantique

Kelp and seaweed communities on sediment-affected or disturbed Atlantic infralittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Infralittoral rock habitats, subject to disturbance through mobility of the substratum (boulders or cobbles) or abrasion/covering by nearby coarse sediments or suspended particulate matter (sand). The associated communities can be quite variable in character, depending on the particular conditions, which prevail. The typical Laminaria hyperborea and red seaweed communities of stable open coast rocky habitats (MB1-21) are replaced by those, which include more ephemeral species or those tolerant of sand and gravel abrasion. As such Laminaria saccharina, Saccorhiza polyschides or Halidrys siliquosa may be prominant components of the community.
Infralittoral rock in wave and tide-sheltered conditions, supporting silty communities with Laminaria hyperborea and/or Laminaria saccharina. Associated seaweeds are typically silt-tolerant and include a high proportion of delicate filamentous types. Some areas, particularly in the lower infralittoral zone, are subject to intense grazing by urchins and chitons and may have poorly developed seaweed communities.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)