MC6-213 - Amphiura filiformis et Ennucula tenuis dans du sable vaseux du circalittoral et du large en Atlantique

Amphiura filiformis and Nuculoma tenuis in Atlantic circalittoral and offshore muddy sand

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

In cohesive and non-cohesive sandy mud, off moderately exposed coasts in deep water dense populations of Amphiura filiformis with the bivalve Nuculoma tenuis may occur. This biotope together with MB6-248, MC6-212 and MD5-212 may be part of the Amphiura filiformis dominated infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973) and part of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Mackie 1990). Other species characteristic of this biotope may include the echinoderms Ophiura albida and Echinocardium flavescens and the bivalve Mysella bidentata. Phaxas pellucidus, Owenia fusiformis and Virgularia mirabilis may also be present. At the sediment surface the hydroid Sertularia argentea may be present although only at very low abundances. Variations of this biotope exist in the northern North Sea and it is possible that more than one entity exists for this biotope.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)