MB1-234 - Desmarestia spp. dense et algues rouges filamenteuses sur galets et cailloutis et sur roche en place exposés de l'infralittoral en Atlantique

Dense Desmarestia spp. with filamentous red seaweeds on exposed Atlantic infralittoral cobbles, pebbles and bedrock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Wave-exposed seasonally mobile substrata (pebbles, cobbles) dominated by dense stands of the brown seaweed Desmarestia aculeata and/or Desmarestia ligulata. Infralittoral pebbles and cobbles that are scoured through mobility during storms, but become stable in the summer allowing the growth of such algae as Desmarestia spp. Filamentous red seaweeds such as Bonnemaisonia asparagoides and Brongniartella byssoides are usually present. Stunted individuals of the kelp such as Laminaria hyperborea and Laminaria saccharina may be present where bedrock is available. A variety of foliose red seaweeds such as Cryptopleura ramosa, Chondrus crispus, Plocamium cartilagineum, Hypoglossum hypoglossoides and Nitophyllum punctatum may on occasion be present underneath the kelp canopy. Other red algae including Corallina officinalis, Rhodomela confervoides and coralline crusts including Lithothamnion spp. may be present as well as well as the foliose brown seaweed Dictyota dichotoma and the green Enteromorpha intestinalis. Due to the nature of this biotope the faunal component is very impoverished though the gastropod Gibbula cineraria can be found among the cobbles.
Situation: Often a narrow zone on mixed substrata below a stable zone of kelp on bedrock. Where seasonally mobile substrata affect nearby bedrock this biotope may occur in place of kelp forest.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)