MB3-213 - Saccharina latissima (anciennement Laminaria saccharina), Gracilaria gracilis et algues brunes sur sédiment de l'infralittoral en milieu marin en Atlantique

Laminaria saccharina, Gracilaria gracilis and brown seaweeds on full salinity Atlantic infralittoral sediment

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Shallow kelp community found on muddy sand, in moderately exposed or sheltered, fully marine conditions, with weak tidal currents. The community is characterised by a reasonable covering of Laminaria saccharina. Frequent Chorda filum may also form part of the canopy although not at the abundance in MB6-211. Beneath the canopy the community is characterised by the red algae Gracilaria gracilis, and various brown algal species particularly Dictyota dichotoma. Other members of the understory may include a variety of other filamentous and foliose red algae in particular Ceramium nodulosum and the green alga Ulva. The muddy sand substrate supports a variety of faunal species including polychaetes (Lanice conchilega) and gastropods (Hinia reticulata).


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)