MF6-211 - Assemblage de Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus sur vase du bathyal inférieur en Atlantique

Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

This biotope consistis of aggregations of Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus (previously Echinus acutus norvegicus) on mud substrate. Gage (1986) reports this assemblage from 700-1400m on pelagic ooze and suggests it is present in a ribbon-like distribution around the continental margin of Europe down to about 1400m. Le Danois also describes this assemblage from 150m-500+ but emphasises that shallower than 500m Spatangus raschi dominates and below Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus dominates. The same epifaunal assemblage is also found on sand and coarse sediment in the upper and mid bathyal but associated infauna are likely to differ.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)