FR4301332 - Forêts, corniches calcaires, ruisseaux et marais de Vulvoz à Viry

"Habitats, fauna, flora" directive site

Reference database: Décembre 2023

Annual update of the list SCI - publication in the OJ EU : 02/02/2024 (from the database: 02/02/2024).

Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them

Mammals listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1361 - Lynx lynx  (1 - 10 Individus)

Pisces listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1163 - Cottus gobio

Invertebrate listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1044 - Coenagrion mercuriale  (1 - 17 Individus)
1065 - Euphydryas aurinia  (40 - 50 Individus)
1074 - Eriogaster catax  (1 - 5 Individus)
1092 - Austropotamobius pallipes  (500 - 500 Individus)
Other important species of fauna and flora


Pelophylax esculentus  (10 - 20 Individus)
Rana temporaria  (50 - 100 Individus)


Aeshna isoceles  (2 - 2 Individus)
Cordulegaster bidentata  (2 - 2 Individus)
Leucorrhinia albifrons  (0 - 3 Individus)
Lopinga achine  (161 - 161 Individus)
Maculinea alcon  (5 - 10 Individus)
Parnassius apollo  (3 - 3 Individus)
Polyommatus dorylas  (1 - 1 Individus)
Pseudophilotes baton  (20 - 30 Individus)
Pyrgus cirsii  (3 - 3 Individus)


Felis silvestris


Eriophorum gracile
Sparganium minimum