Correspondences between typologies

The correspondences between two typologies are downloadable as an Excel file with three tabs (metadata, description of the data set, data table).

Wherever possible, correspondence relationships between two units are indicated. The four main relationships are presented below. For more information on the types of relationships and how to develop correspondences between habitats, refer to the following publications: Michez et al., 2012 ; Gaudillat & Louvel, 2015 ; La Rivière et al., 2023.


Typologies of habitats or vegetations

Lists of habitats from directives or conventions

Typologies of habitats or vegetations

Prodrome des végétations de France décliné - PVF2

Unités phytosociologiques des Cahiers d'habitats

European phytosociological classification (Eurovegchecklist, 2016)

Mediterranean benthic habitats, NatHab-Med

Atlantic benthic habitats, NatHab-Atl

Natural and semi-natural habitats of Reunion Island (2017)

CORINE Biotopes

Forest habitats of Guyana

EUNIS 2012

EUNIS 2022

Lists of habitats from directives or conventions

Habitats Community interest

Habitats manuals

OSPAR convention

Barcelona Convention