Data exchange standards

Taxons occurrences

The data exchange on taxon occurrence (OccTax) within the French Nature and Landscape Information System follows the defined priniciples of the SINP protocol, and has been implemented by a dedicated partnering work group.

A taxon occurrence is the observation or non observation of taxon at a date and place by one or more observers, using direct (sight...) or undirect (excrements...) methods of observation.

The standardised data, following a data dictionary, or "Elementary Exchange Data" (DEE), can be exchanged between the SINP actors.

The exchange methods are outlined in the document below.

INPG-SINP data standard (geology heritage)

The national inventory for geological heritage (INPG) was officially started by the ministry for environment in 2007. It aims at realising a comprehensive census of areas comprising « geological, mineral, or paleontological wealth» on the national territory. The National Natural History Museum (MNHN) assumes the scientific responsibility (methodology, national validation) for said census.

The procedures to follow for data exchange on this subject are described in the documents below.

Reference Documents

Governance for data standards, creation and evolution, version 1

The data dictionary specifies the information to be exchanged as well as the semantic rules to be followed:

Standard d'échanges d'occurrences de taxon v1.2.1

Standard d'échanges d'occurrences de taxon v2.0 version longue

GML Diagram version 1.1

The document on the unique identifier describes the methods used to identify data exchange within the SINP: Unique identifier of the SINP

GBIF France document on the analysis of unique identifiers

The following document indicates the rules that the INPN thematic platform abides by in diffusing and collecting GBIF "Darwin Core" international data: Corresponding with the Darwin Core

The following document is a training course support document, used in june 2016, at the MNHN, on the taxon occurrence data standard Standard Data Training Program

This last file concerns a set of documents describing the Standard for the SINP thematical platform : Taxon occurrences, version 3.0

The data dictionary specifies the information that can be exchanged, and the semantic rules to follow Data exchange standard, INPG-SINP v1.0

The GML schema shows the technical format that has to be used in order to exchange data GML schema v1.0.0.1 for v1.0 of the INPG-SINP standard


Version 1.2.1 nomenclature of taxon occurrence