ZNIEFF 030030071
Crique Arataye

(n° regional: 00290002)

Bibliographical sources

BORN M. & GAUCHER PH. 2001. Amphibian and reptile species at the Nouragues Nature Reserve. In Nouragues : dynamics and plant-animal interactions in a neotropical rainforest (Appendice 5), F. Bongers, P. Charles-Dominique, P.-M. Forget & M. Théry (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 369-378

TOSTAIN O., DUJARDIN J.L., ERARD C. & THIOLLAY J. M. 1992. Oiseaux de Guyane. Société d'études ornithologiques, Paris.


Association Kwata 0.

GEPOG - Faune-Guyane 0.

Collections / Databases

Base AUBLET2, Herbier de Guyane, AMAP, IRD, mai 2013 2013.

DCE 2012, Hydreco 0.

GEPOG - Base de donnée Alapi 0.