37.214 - Marsh ragwort meadows

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Wet meadows and water-meadows of the lowlands of Britain, northern Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and northwestern Spain, developed on nutrient-rich, acidocline alluvions of rivers and brooks with a fluctuating water regime in which Senecio aquaticus and Bromus racemosus are usually prominent, accompanied by a variable cortŠge; Potentilla palustris and Menyanthes trifoliata characterize mesotrophic stands, Ranunculus auricomus and Primula elatior somewhat more base-rich ones. Carex disticha is usually present and sometimes abundant, marking a transition towards Magnocaricion communities of unit 53.211. At higher altitudes, above 250 m, on base-poor soils, these communities evolve towards Polygonum bistorta-dominated communities of unit 37.215.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Senecionetum aquatici, Bromo-Senecionetum aquatici (Senecio-Brometum racemosi, i.a.


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Lebrun & al., 1949: unit 126 [p.]; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958: 128-131; Westhoff and den Held, 1975: 181; Bournérias & al., 1976: 126-128; Delpech, 1976: 60; Matuszkiewicz, 1984: 85; Ellenberg, 1988: 575-576; Trautmann, 1991: 43, Table 11f; Pott, 1992: 233; Rodwell, 1992: unit MG8; Julve, 1993: 87; Schubert & al., 1995: 296.