III.A.1.N.g.1 - Rhizophora mangle Semipermanently Flooded Shrubland Alliance

Végétation des Caraïbes : système de classification préliminaire et descriptions

Description des postes typologiques

Nontidal shrublands dominated by Rhizophora. Occurs in more stressed sites than Rhizophora mangle Forests and has shorter individuals (less than five meters, and usually only onehalf to two meters tall) and often sparser as well.

Distribution des postes typologiques

FL, West Indies.


Scrub Mangrove Thicket (Hilsenbeck et al. 1979).


 Areces-Mallea A.E., Weakley A.S., Li X., Sayre R.G., Parrish J.D., Tipton C.V. & Boucher T. 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types: Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p. (Source)