III.A.1.N.g.1.1 - Rhizophora mangle / Eleocharis cellulosa Shrubland

Végétation des Caraïbes : système de classification préliminaire et descriptions

Description des postes typologiques

Stunted Rhizophora mangle Shrubland, the mangroves typically 0.5 to 2.5 meters in height, and more likely to be intertwined by prop roots than by branches. This community occurs in seasonally to semipermanently flooded situations, in “gumbo marls” over oolite. Shrub cover is generally from 20-60 percent, and areas between the shrubs are dominated by Eleocharis cellulosa, with Utricularia purpurea, Utricularia spp., Rhynchospora tracyi, Crinum americanum, Chara sp., and with a dense marl periphyton. Bromeliads (Tillandsia paucifolia, Tillandsia flexuosa) may be common on the mangroves.

Distribution des postes typologiques

FL, Bahamas, West Indies.


Scrub Mangrove Thicket (Hilsenbeck et al. 1979).


 Areces-Mallea A.E., Weakley A.S., Li X., Sayre R.G., Parrish J.D., Tipton C.V. & Boucher T. 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types: Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p. (Source)