III.A.1.N.h.3.1 - Rhizophora mangle Shrubland

Végétation des Caraïbes : système de classification préliminaire et descriptions

Description des postes typologiques

Generally monospecific shrublands in highly stressed situations (such as full saline, shallowly underlain by oolite). Sometimes grades landward to Rhizophora mangle Forest. Submerged for long periods, not on peats but on calcareous muds 2-30 cm deep over limestone. Structure varies from nearly closed to open (canopy closure 25-90 percent). Described from Florida Keys (Ross, O'Brien, & Flynn 1992). Other characteristic species include Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense, Avicennia germinans, Salicornia virginica.

Distribution des postes typologiques

Florida, Bahamas, West Indies, southwards.


Tidal Swamp (FL 1990); ESU 3--Dwarf Mangrove Mudflats (Ross, O'Brien, and Flynn 1992).


 Areces-Mallea A.E., Weakley A.S., Li X., Sayre R.G., Parrish J.D., Tipton C.V. & Boucher T. 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types: Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p. (Source)