6130 - Pelouses calaminaires des Violetalia calaminariae

Calaminarian grasslands of the Violetalia calaminariae

Liste hiérarchisée et descriptifs des Habitats d'Intérêt Communautaire (HIC) de la directive "Habitats-Faune-Flore"

Définition EUR 28

Generally open natural or semi-natural grasslands 1) on natural rock outcrops, rich in heavy metals (e.g. zinc, lead), 2) river gravels and shingles, 3) on old terrils or spoil heaps around mines. These open grasslands are characterised by a highly specialised flora, with subspecies and ecotypes adapted to heavy metals. The threatened endemic taxa are generally absent from the pioneer vegetation of younger terrils. This pioneer vegetation is not considered to be a priority.

Espèces caractéristiques

Plants: Viola calaminaria and metallophyte races of Thlaspi caerulescens, Armeria maritima, Minuartia verna, Silene vulgaris, Festuca ophioliticola, Cochleria alpina sensu lato.

Correspondances avec la classification du Paléarctique

34.2, 36.44

Correspondances avec d'autres classifications

German classification : ‘3405a natürliche und halbnatürliche Schwermetallrasen'. United Kingdom classification: ‘OV37 Festuca ovina-Minuartia verna community'.


Seminatural sites are to be taken into account mainly if natural sites are very rare or absent from a region or, if these sites shelter characteristic or outstanding plant species.


 Conseil de l'Union européenne, 2013. Directive 2013/17/UE du Conseil du 13 mai 2013 portant adaptation de certaines directives dans le domaine de l'environnement, du fait de l'adhésion de la République de Croatie. Annexes. Partie B Protection de la nature. Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, L 158 du 10/06/2013, p. : 195-203. (Source)

 European Commission, 2013. Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. EUR 28. European Commission, DG Environment, 144 p. (Source)

Birse E.L. (1982). Plant communities on serpentine in Scotland. Vegetatio, 49 141-162.