CHE-03 - Geranio purpureae-Cardaminetalia hirsutae S. Brullo in S. Brullo et Marcenò 1985

Classification phytosociologique européenne (Eurovegchecklist, 2016)


Winter-annual fringe vegetation in shaded mesic habitats of the Mediterranean, winter-mild temperate (sub)atlantic and submediterranean regions of temperate Europe and the Macaronesia


che06 : This syntaxonomic concept is recognised as a class in its own right by several Western European surveys (Rivas-Martínez et al. 2002; de Foucault 2009a). It is a unit of transitional character, mediating between the therophytic grasslands of the winter-mild regions (the Mediterranean and its fringes) and open forests of those regions. Indeed, most of the species co-occurring in these communities come from these two species pools and only very few actually characterise this syntaxon exclusively. It may well be that these communities might have been one of natural sources of the species-rich annual (sub) mediterranean flora occupying ruderal and otherwise disturbed habitats today. (LM).


 Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus Th., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., Gavilán García R., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F.J.A., Bergmeier E., Santos Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J.H.J., Lysenko T., Didukh Y.P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J.S., Capelo J., Weber H.E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S.M. & Tichý L., 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 19 (Suppl. 1) : 3-264. (Source)