CYS - Cystoseiretea Giaccone 1965

Classification phytosociologique européenne (Eurovegchecklist, 2016)


Photophytic marine macroalgal communities on hard substrates in the infralittoral and circalittoral zones of Atlantic and Mediterranean seashores


cys01 : Though Giaccone (1965: 34) used a syntaxonomical scheme without author names, he adopted the syntaxonomical scheme of Molinier (1960) with the bibliographical error of citing the work as 1959 (Giaccone 1965: 32). Modifications to the scheme of Molinier are attributed to the author (Giaccone 1965: 33). Thus of the Cystoseiretea, Cystoseiretalia and Cystoseirion, the latter two can be attributed to Molinier (1960), while the class is described by Giaccone (1965). (HB).


 Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus Th., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., Gavilán García R., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F.J.A., Bergmeier E., Santos Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J.H.J., Lysenko T., Didukh Y.P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J.S., Capelo J., Weber H.E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S.M. & Tichý L., 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 19 (Suppl. 1) : 3-264. (Source)