A1.33 - Tapis d'algues rouges du médiolittoral inférieur, abritées de l'action des vagues

Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2012

Descriptif officiel

Proposed new level 4 unit. More information required.

Descriptif en français

Nouvelle classe proposée de niveau 4. Il faudrait davantage d’informations.


Proposed new level 4 unit (Southampton workshop)
Need to check where this occurs (David Connor)

Lien vers la fiche du site EUNIS

OSPAR/ICES/EEA, 2000. Second OSPAR/ICES/EEA Workshop on Marine Habitat Classification, Southampton, 18-22 September 2000. CLAS 00/8/1 - E. OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic. (Source)