T1-723 - Hêtraies orocantabriques subhumides

Sub-humid oro-Cantabrian beech forests

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Neutrophilous beech forests of the subhumid montane areas of the Cantabrian mountains and, locally, of the Northern Iberian Range, with Carex sylvatica, Galium odoratum, Lathyrus occidentalis, Melica uniflora, Mercurialis perennis, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla lilio-hyacinthus.


 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2021. EUNIS terrestrial habitat classification 2021 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel transmise par S. Hennekens (Alterra) le 14/02/2022. (Source)