A5.52 - Biocénoses à laminaires et algues sur sédiment subtidal

Kelp and seaweed communities on sublittoral sediment

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2012

Descriptif officiel

Shallow sublittoral sediments which support seaweed communities, typically including the kelp Laminaria saccharina, the bootlace weed Chorda filum and various red and brown seaweeds, particularly filamentous types. The generally sheltered nature of these habitats enables the seaweeds to grow on shells and small stones which lie on the sediment surface; some communities develop as loose-lying mats on the sediment surface.

Descriptif en français

Sédiments subtidaux en eau peu profonde hébergeant une biocénose d’algues comprenant typiquement la laminaire Saccharina latissima (anciennement Laminaria saccharina), l’algue lacet Chorda filum et diverses algues rouges ou brunes, notamment filamenteuses. Le milieu généralement abrité de ces habitats permet aux algues de croître sur les coquilles et petits cailloux qui reposent à la surface des sédiments. Certaines biocénoses se développent sous forme de tapis flottants à la surface des sédiments.


There is a certain degree of duplication among some habitat classes in the EUNIS system coming either from BioMar or the Barcelona or HELCOM classifications. Therefore this means that all level 4 definitions (presently based on BioMar and Barcelona) should be checked, and given a new name if necessary. The biogeographic details are to be addressed in level 5 habitats.

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Connor D.W., Allen J.H., Golding N., Howell K.L., Lieberknecht L.M., Northen K.O. & Reker J.B., 2004. The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland. Version 04.05 (internet version: www.jncc.gov.uk/MarineHabitatClassification). Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, 49 p. (Source)