T1-E31 - Forêts à Carpinus betulus occidentales

Western Carpinus betulus forest

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Woods of Western Europe and northern and central Central Europe, north to southern Denmark, Bornholm and southeastern Sweden, within the range of the Fagion medio-europaeum and the Carpinion betuli, dominated by Carpinus betulus, alone or with a small admixture of other species, uncommon, generally low, habitually secondary. Scandinavian stands, characteristic of diabases, basalts and greenstones, often dominated by tall Carpinus betulus, have a field layer dominated by abundant Anemone nemorosa, Stellaria nemorum and Hedera helix.


 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2021. EUNIS terrestrial habitat classification 2021 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel transmise par S. Hennekens (Alterra) le 14/02/2022. (Source)