MB1-2 - Roche de l'infralittoral en Atlantique

Atlantic infralittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Infralittoral rock includes habitats of bedrock, boulders and cobbles which occur in the shallow subtidal zone and typically support seaweed communities. The upper limit is marked by the top of the kelp zone whilst the lower limit is marked by the lower limit of kelp growth or the lower limit of dense seaweed growth. Infralittoral rock typically has an upper zone of dense kelp (forest) and a lower zone of sparse kelp (park), both with an understorey of erect seaweeds. In exposed conditions the kelp is Laminaria hyperborea whilst in more sheltered habitats it is usually Laminaria saccharina; other kelp species may dominate under certain conditions. On the extreme lower shore and in the very shallow subtidal (sublittoral fringe) there is usually a narrow band of dabberlocks Alaria esculenta (exposed coasts) or the kelps Laminaria digitata (moderately exposed) or L. saccharina (very sheltered). Areas of mixed ground, lacking stable rock, may lack kelps but support seaweed communities. In estuaries and other turbid-water areas the shallow subtidal may be dominated by animal communities, with only poorly developed seaweed communities.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)