MA6-227 - Hediste diversicolor dans de la vase médiolittorale en Atlantique

Hediste diversicolor in Atlantic littoral mud

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Mud and sandy mud shores in sheltered marine inlets and estuaries subject to variable or reduced salinity. The biotope is typically found on the mid and lower shores in the upper and mid estuary. If present on the upper shore, the sediment may become firm and compacted as water drains out, though usually the biotope occurs lower on the shore and the sediment remains water saturated during low tide. An anoxic layer occurs within the upper 5 cm of the sediment. The infauna is dominated by abundant or superabundant ragworms Hediste diversicolor. Other species that occur in a significant number of samples include oligochaetes such as Heterochaeta costata and Tubificoides spp., polychaetes such as Streblospio shrubsolii and Manayunkia aestuarina, the mud shrimp Corophium volutator, and the spire shell Hydrobia ulvae.
Situation: This unit may occur on the same shores as units MA6-224, MA6-225 and MA6-226. Higher up on the shore, and/or further towards the upper extreme of the estuary, MA6-228 may occur.
Temporal variation: Enteromorpha spp. and Ulva lactuca may form mats on the surface of the sediment during the summer months, particularly in areas of freshwater influence and/or where there is nutrient enrichment.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)