MA1-53 - Biocénose de la roche du médiolittoral supérieur en Méditerranée

Biocenosis of Mediterranean upper mediolittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

The distribution and type of the populations of the solid substratum in the mediolittoral stage are profoundly affected by the submersion variability due to waves and to the irregular rise in the sea level caused by atmospheric pressure and wind. Two horizons corresponding to different average values of the dominant factors (humectation, light, nutrients, topography and type of substratum) can be made out. The upper horizon corresponds to the area that is only moistened by the tops of the waves and spray. The upper mediolittoral which corresponds to this habitat is the horizon where the environmental conditions are most restrictive. According to the hydrodynamics and the local topography, it can extend over a vertical area of a few centimeters to two meters.
Variations in the environmental conditions affect the vertical extension of the biocenosis of the upper mediolittoral rock, and also the density of its cover and its dominant composition. This habitat also varies according to the nature of the substratum. Development of endolithic Cyanobacteria (=Cyanophyceae) is intense on the calcareous coasts.
A certain number of facies which may appear as belts can be made out (See facies and associations).


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)